
Accelerating Sustainable Training in the Armed Forces

May 30, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Resources & Sustainable Development

By assessing the carbon footprint of India's defence sector, the project aims to recommend technology interventions such as simulator-based training to cut down the sector's GHG emissions while retaining the training efficacy of defence personnel

Online Entrepreneurship Development Programme (WEDP&TEDP)

May 10, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Energy Efficiency | Waste


Entrepreneurship Development Programmes are the need of the hour and essential to deal with the prevalent unemployment issue arising in India, especially after COVID-19. Currently, in India, the need for an entrepreneurship program is more potent than ever. Entrepreneurship can actualize the potential of budding minds and boost the economy manifold.

Assessment of Environmental Compensation for the brick kilns that were functioning in the Thadagam region of Coimbatore district for causing ecological damage/environmental pollution in that area

April 27, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Air | Environment

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has imposed environmental compensation for 185 brick kiln units located in Thadagam region of Coimbatore district for causing damage to the environment. Subsequently, aggrieved by the same the Brick Kiln units filed writ petitions against the Board's proceeding before the Hon'ble High Court of Madras.

Programme LEAD (Leadership for Environment, Awareness and Development)

April 20, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Climate Change | Energy | Energy Efficiency | Forest & Biodiversity | Waste | Sustainable Habitat | Energy | Environment

The Environment Education and Awareness (EEA) Area at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has designed a summer programme that enables school students to gain knowledge, enhance their skillsets and obtain access to resources and networks to strengthen their competencies on issues related to environment and sustainable development.

Roadmap for India's Energy Transition in the Transport Sector

April 4, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Energy | Transport

Transportation plays a pivotal role in the economic an social development of a country, carrying men and materials, such as- carriage of raw material and finished product; minerals; food and other essential products; and services, opening new avenues of employment opportunities.

UI-ASSIST (US-India collAborative for smart diStribution System wIth Storage)

March 15, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Electricity and Renewables

UI-ASSIST project, funded by Department of Energy (DoE) on US side, and Department of Science and Technology (DST) through Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) on India side under the Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center (JCERDC), addresses key issues related to the adoption and deployment of active distribution networks, integrating distributed energy resources including

Preparing Roadmap for Fleet Electrification of Department of Posts, India and Estimating Potential Cost and Emission Benefits

February 1, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Transport

At the COP 26 Climate Summit in Glasgow, India set an ambitious target of attaining net-zero emissions by 2070 and a 45% reduction in the emissions intensity of its GDP below the 2005 levels by 2030.

Workshop on “Gaining strength to Combat Air Pollution: Harnessing Media Support’ and release of Nashik emission inventory report

January 28, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Air

To enable journalists to understand, analyze and report on air pollution from science, policy, and public health perspectives, a workshop "Gaining Strength to Combat Air Pollution: Harnessing Media Support." was organized by TERI in collaboration with National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MSPCB) and Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC)

Estimate the potential carbon benefit earn by shifting households to improved cookstoves

January 23, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Energy Access | Air | Climate Change

Indoor air pollution is a critical issue in rural areas. The use of biomass in the traditional household cookstove of the rural areas is also an important source of atmospheric black carbon. Conventional cooking methods have also been reported as important source of ambient air pollution in different cities. Promoting cleaner fuels like LPG to remote rural areas has different issues.

Transformative Climate Action using Participatory data driven decision making platforms (T-CAP)

December 26, 2022
| Ongoing project
| Sustainable Habitat | Climate Change | Cities

India is undergoing rapid urbanization, with its urban population expected to surpass its rural population by 2031. This process has been accompanied by a gamut of social, economic, and environmental changes, including increased greenhouse gas emissions and the potential for greater vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.