
Integrated Urban Climate Action for Low-Carbon & Resilient Cities (Urban-Act)

September 5, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Sustainable Habitat | Cities

The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing an unprecedented wave of urbanization, with over half of its 2.2 billion people currently residing in cities. Already constituting half of the world's urban population, projections suggest that this number will grow by 50% by 2050, resulting in even greater infrastructure needs and escalating carbon emissions.

Support to Government of Uttar Pradesh for establishment of Strategic and Policy Advisory Unit for Uttar Pradesh Clean Air Management Programme (UP CAMP)

September 4, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Air

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) with support from the Clean Air Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies aims to provide strategic and policy support to the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Uttar Pradesh to ensure that the activities within UP CAMP are streamlined and designed in the most efficient ways to drive the achievement of NCAP targets across the 17

Consulting Services for valuation of ecosystem services (wealth accounting and assessment of payment for ecosystem services)

August 24, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Forest & Biodiversity

Consulting Services for the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (Wealth Accounting) and Assessment of Payment for Ecosystem Services

-Devising a methodological approach for compiling forest accounts for Bangladesh that are aligned to the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework (SEAA CF) and compliments the standard national accounts of the country.

India-Australia Research Collaboration on reducing Plastic Waste

August 17, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Waste | Resources & Sustainable Development

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO) under Govt. of Australia has partnered with five other organizations (ISF-UTS, UNSW, CSIR-NEERI, DA and TERI) to prepare a roadmap for managing and reducing plastic waste in India. The document is extremely holistic and provides information on the entire plastic scenario in India currently.

Baseline Study for Estimating Carbon Stocks of Interventions done through ITC’s Mission Sunehra Kal Programme

August 14, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Land

ITC Mission Sunehra Kal (ITC MSK) project has been developed to assess the impact generated by the project’s programs. The objective is to determine the carbon sequestered as a result of ITC's interventions done through ITC’s MSK in seven different states, namely Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh.

Obtaining Carbon finance through the mangrove ecosystem

August 14, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Land

The Land Resources Division of TERI is involved in developing Carbon Market Projects in the mangrove ecosystem of Sundarbans and Gujarat.

Developing voluntary carbon market project for Sundarban Tiger Reserve in India:

The main objectives of the Sundarban Carbon Finance project:

Remediation and Reclamation of Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) Dumpsite by using Microbial Bioremediation Technology

August 10, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Microbes

The project aims at remediation and reclamation of Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) dumpsite by the use of biostimulation (BS), bioaugmentation (BA), phytoremediation (Phyto) and combinations thereof. The HCH dumpsite located in the Umari village on the outskirts of Lucknow in Banrabanki district was acquired by the State Forest Department.

Preparing End-of-Life Disposal Protocol for Woven Jute / Polypropylene Bags

August 9, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Waste | Resources & Sustainable Development

Transitioning to alternative sustainable materials can help mitigate the carbon intensity associated with plastic production and its impact on climate change.

Sustainable Aviaton Fuel Roadmap for India

August 9, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Energy | Transport

Fossil fuel-sourced Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) has significant environmental impacts along its well-to-wheel chain. In 2021 aviation accounted for over 2% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, having grown faster in recent decades than road, rail or shipping.

Establishing Energy Data Management Unit (EDMU)

August 9, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Energy Efficiency | Energy Access | Energy

Energy access, energy security, and energy transition are vital both at the global and national levels. This necessitates the availability of robust, consistent, and reliable energy data, which can help in understanding the energy profile of a country. Furthermore, it aids in assessing the impact of various policies and programs.