Gender-Just Transition: 'Establishing women as critical stakeholders in India’s just energy transition: Evidences from Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh'
September 21, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Energy
Coal continues to remain the mainstay of India’s energy portfolio mix. The climate change considerations and the increasing competitiveness of cleaner sources of energy are likely to increase the momentum of the transition towards non-fossil fuel-based sources.
Manuals for Energy Efficient Retrofit of Existing Buildings in Different Climatic Zones of India
September 20, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Buildings | Sustainable Habitat | Energy
India is a diverse country with diverse energy consumption patterns in different sectors. Among these sectors, the building sector consumes around 38% (~208 mtoe) of India’s total annual primary energy consumption and 31% (296 TWh) of the total annual electricity consumption. Within the commercial sector, the current built-up area is roughly 1.4 billion square meters.
National Level Health Vulnerability Assessment and develop a Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Action Plan for Climate Change and Human Health (NAPCCHH)
September 18, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Health & Nutrition
Climate change has become a major concern in India, with the country experiencing several adverse effects that have impacted public health in various ways. Some of the key health challenges related to climate change in India include vector-borne diseases (VBDs), heat stress, water-borne diseases (WBDs), extreme weather events, and air pollution-related diseases.
SAHeLEE: Striving for Advancement in Health and improved quality of Life through Entrepreneurship and Education
September 18, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Sustainable Agriculture | Health & Nutrition
This project aims to strengthen sustainable agricultural practices and reintroduce local nutrient-dense products into the diets of the community, with a strong focus on climate sensitivity.
The Role of Water Quality in Early Child Nutrition: A Case Study in Uttarakhand
September 12, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Health & Nutrition
Undernutrition is a global public health problem especially in children below the age of 5 years. It can affect various aspects of children’s development such as physical and mental development. It can be seen in the form of wasting, stunting or underweight.
September 5, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Sustainable Habitat
A youth engagement programme to celebrate positivity and patriotism to promote culture
The programme titled, #75ReelsforCelebratingIndia was concluded with a National Youth Forum on November 21, 2023. This programme was conceptualized to honour 75 years of India's independence as well as the illustrious history of its people, culture, and accomplishments.
Integrated Urban Climate Action for Low-Carbon & Resilient Cities (Urban-Act)
September 5, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Sustainable Habitat | Cities
The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing an unprecedented wave of urbanization, with over half of its 2.2 billion people currently residing in cities. Already constituting half of the world's urban population, projections suggest that this number will grow by 50% by 2050, resulting in even greater infrastructure needs and escalating carbon emissions.
Support to Government of Uttar Pradesh for establishment of Strategic and Policy Advisory Unit for Uttar Pradesh Clean Air Management Programme (UP CAMP)
September 4, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Air
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) with support from the Clean Air Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies aims to provide strategic and policy support to the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Uttar Pradesh to ensure that the activities within UP CAMP are streamlined and designed in the most efficient ways to drive the achievement of NCAP targets across the 17
Consulting Services for valuation of ecosystem services (wealth accounting and assessment of payment for ecosystem services)
August 24, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Forest & Biodiversity
Consulting Services for the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (Wealth Accounting) and Assessment of Payment for Ecosystem Services
-Devising a methodological approach for compiling forest accounts for Bangladesh that are aligned to the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework (SEAA CF) and compliments the standard national accounts of the country.
India-Australia Research Collaboration on reducing Plastic Waste
August 17, 2023
| Ongoing project
| Waste | Resources & Sustainable Development
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO) under Govt. of Australia has partnered with five other organizations (ISF-UTS, UNSW, CSIR-NEERI, DA and TERI) to prepare a roadmap for managing and reducing plastic waste in India. The document is extremely holistic and provides information on the entire plastic scenario in India currently.