
As India heads towards an ever deepening water crisis, we seek to create efficient solutions for managing water resources. These include various initiatives to promote water conservation on the one hand, and on the other, to improve water use efficiency in industrial, domestic and agriculture sectors. To achieve our goal of ensuring long term sustainability of water resources, we focus keenly on policy interventions as well as developing the knowledge and capabilities of all our stakeholders.



  • water smart


    Sustainable Groundwater Management in Lucknow City

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  • water security

    Policy Brief

    TERI Advanced Oxidation Technology (TADOX) to treat textile and dyeing wastewater, achieve zero liquid discharge, and enhance water reuse: R&D-based policy recommendations

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  • sustainable irrigation


    Hiccups in the Himalayas: Reading the Warning Signs in Uttarakhand

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  • sustainable irrigation


    Water Sustainability Assessment of Chennai

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    water video rajasthan

    Press Release

    Mahindra-TERI Centre of Excellence launches Chennai Water Sustainability Assessment Report

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Mainstreaming Climate-Resilient Water and Sanitation Infrastructure For Long Lasting Impacts

Ms Manisha Jain

In this article, Manisha Jain and Dr Kriti Akansha highlight that it is necessary to support long-term thinking, transformation, flexibility and innovation while taking the associated climate risks into consideration to attain climate resilience. There is a need for a robust framework that ensures climate policies are integrated into all sectors and that planning, implementation, and evaluation are strictly followed.

Microplastics in the Ganga River - How Dangerous is the Situation?

Microplastics in the Ganga River - How Dangerous is the Situation?

Microplastics are recognized as a main source of marine pollution.

Water Crisis in India: The World’s Largest Groundwater User

In this article, Anita Khuller says that with increasing news of areas facing water shortages and drought, saving water and using it more efficiently has become the need of the hour. Globally, providing clean drinking water is becoming a bigger challenge with population growth.

गुरुग्राम के सिकुड़ते तालाबों के लिए बहुआयामी दृष्टिकोण ज़रूरी

Ms Shweta

2025 तक गुरुग्राम की पानी की आवश्यकता 874.3 मिलियन लीटर प्रतिदिन तक पहुंच सकती है और ये आवश्यकता 2007 की तुलना में लगभग तीन गुना अधिक है। पानी की ज़रूरत बढ़ेगी लेकिन साथ ही खबर ये भी है कि इस शहर के जल निकाय खतरनाक स्तर पर सिकुड़ रहे हैं। इसके कारण कई हैं, जैसे - बिल्डरों के अतिक्रमण, सीवेज की डंपिंग, गाद और निर्माण कचरा और इसकी वजह से 55.2 (2007 में) किमी2 से 2025 तक जल निकाय 0.42 किमी2 तक सिकुड़ने का अनुमान है।

हवा से पानी बनाने की मशीन - बुझा सकती है गाँव की प्यास

Ms Shweta

देश में पानी की कमी को हल करने के लिए जल संरक्षण की पारंपरिक समझ को आधुनिक तकनीकी विकास और क्षमता के साथ मिलाने की ज़रूरत है। ‘एयर टू वाटर’ तकनीक दूरदराज और साथ ही दूषित पानी की समस्या झेल रहे क्षेत्रों के लिए पानी की आपूर्ति के अवसर देती है।



October 22, 2024
to October 23, 2024


Experiential Learning Session for Sustainability Professionals from Corporates

August 31, 2024
to August 31, 2024

The One-day Experiential Learning Session was organized by TERI CBS in partnership with Jamshedpur Management Association as part of the Training Program on ‘Operationalizing and Accelerating Sustainability Imperatives and Actions among Businesses in India’ for sustainability professionals that aimed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and capacities of sustainability function-oriented management professionals in order to assist them become sustainability champions and drive long-lasting, sustainable change within and beyond their organization.

Tata Projects delegation visit at TERI Gwal Pahari Campus

August 9, 2024
to August 9, 2024

On August 9, 2024, TERI welcomed Tata Projects’ delegation to its Gwal Pahari Campus for a comprehensive overview of TERI’s research work and sustainable practices. The visit aimed to align with Tata Projects’ sustainability goals and Tata Group’s Aalingana initiative, which is the north star of Tata Group’s sustainability journey.

Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Showcase Webinar: GHG Emissions from the Domestic Wastewater Sector in India

March 5, 2024
to March 5, 2024

Why is mitigating methane important and what does it have to do with wastewater? Come learn about municipal wastewater and methane emissions in India. We will explore the nexus of water, energy, and methane emissions

World Sustainable Development Summit 2024

February 7, 2024
to February 9, 2024

 7-9 February 2024 | New Delhi


Why India needs to incentivise water reuse

October 17, 2024
| Mr Anshuman
| ECO-Business

To encourage greater water reuse, India must prioritise infrastructure development, implement sound policies and allow private sector participation, says Mr Anshuman, Senior Fellow & Director, Water Resources Division, TERI.

Critical Discussion Paper on ‘Climate-Resilient Water Management in India’ unveiled at India Water Week 2024

September 19, 2024 |
September 19, 2024
Krishak Jagat

The discussion paper was unveiled during the thematic session on 'Demand Management and Water Use Efficiency'. The session, chaired by Dr SK Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), explored the urgent need for efficient water resource management to address the increasing demand and unpredictable availability of water due to climate change.

Water pricing should reflect its true value

September 12, 2024
| Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar
| The Hindu Business Line

Every State must have a Water Regulatory Authority, which should ideally follow the volumetric system of pricing, says Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow, Water Resources Division, TERI.

AI can help India’s disaster mitigation and management system

September 12, 2024
| Ms Priyanka Vadrevu and Mr Ajai Malhotra, TERI
| Deccan Herald

In the US, AI-powered weather forecasting systems have improved prediction accuracy by up to 30%, while in Japan, AI-driven early warning systems have reduced the response time to natural disasters by up to 50%, says Ms Priyanka Vadrevu, Research Associate, Water Resources Division and Mr Ajai Malhotra, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

Resolve Teesta

August 26, 2024
| Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar
| The Statesman

The visit of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh to India in end June this year raised the Teesta water sharing issue again in public domain with strong opposition from the Government of West Bengal for various reasons, says Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow, Water Resources Division, TERI.

Water hyacinth and biomass trigger unseasonal froth in Yamuna

August 9, 2024 |
August 9, 2024
The Times of India

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Delhi Jal Board, assigned the task of studying the froth formation and suggesting long-term solutions for this, have identified the presence of water hyacinth and biomass as the reasons for the froth. A team of TERI scientists and officials of DJB and the UP irrigation department, inspected the river on July 26. Neither TERI nor DJB attributed the froth to pollution.


Climate Resilience in Water Resource Management in India: A Conceptual Framework for Action

September 18, 2024

The water sector in India is facing increasing variability and unpredictability of water resources due to climate change. This is compounded by inadequate infrastructure for water storage and distribution, and the insufficient integration of climate resilience into water management policies. This is highlighted by the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report. Key threats include extreme weather events, rising temperatures, erratic monsoons, and sea level rise, impacting agriculture, industry, ecosystems, and overall water security.

Integration of TADOX® technology to achieve net zero in textile wastewater treatment: Policy recommendations based on pilot study in a CETP

February 8, 2024

Textile & Coloration Industry faces the most challenging issue of removal of colour and dissolved organics due to the presence of complex dyes and pigments in the effluent, which are not being able to be removed by conventional and biological treatment technologies. Which in turn impacts the biological treatment making is shock prone and leading to inadequate treatment with discharge of coloured effluent through drains in the rivers.

Benchmarking Industrial Water Use Efficiency in India: Opportunities for Water-Intensive Industries

February 8, 2024

The rapid expansion of population and industrial activities in India has led to acknowledging the critical importance of water conservation. Addressing the escalating water usage within water-intensive industries is essential, given their significant contribution to the economy alongside their substantial impact on water resources. Amongst the water-intensive industries, thermal power plants are the highest consumer of water, followed by pulp & paper, textiles, and iron & steel industries.

Emerging Role of Blue Finance in the Asia-Pacific Region

October 29, 2021

The policy brief critically examines pathways in which the funding gap for implementing SDG 14 targets can be bridged, using tools such as well-defined regulatory framework and collective partnership.

Food and Land Resources: Incorporating Watershed-Based Approaches for Better Sustainability-Productivity Balance

August 4, 2021

The overall purpose of watershed programmes is to enhance incomes, provide food security through sustainable agriculture and prudent management of natural resources. This directly corresponds to SDG 1 and 2, i.e. No poverty and Zero Hunger respectively.


Multidisciplinary research on natural resource conservation

We conduct water audits and quality testing that typically include: Estimation of building water use; recommendations of water saving fixtures; estimation of landscape water demand based on input on the soft areas, plant species factors, and the climatic factors; estimation of rainwater harvesting potential and recommendations on the reuse and recycling of treated waste water and rainwater, and appropriate waste-water management schemes and systems.


Director, Water Resources