Field validation and product formulation of AMF bio inoculant with particular reference to low-input wheat-rice and wheat-pulse cropping systems

01 May 2005 23 Feb 2008
The objectives are: (1) Maintenance of gene pools of AMF for their further exploitation. Parallel task will be undertaken by GBPUAT for PGPR. (2) Development of axenic in vitro cultures of LL2 and ZTL isolates, which are the most-efficient AMF isolates selected from already conducted field trials, microcosms, in vitro and trap cultures. (3) Developing understanding on synergistic and/or antagonistic interactions between AMF and PGPR for their application in fields. (4) Development of formulation package of bio inoculants for their application in fields. (5) Development of complete package of practice for selected bio inoculants for wheat-rice and wheat-pulses, including field validation trials, and bringing it to the farmer's level, both in organic as well as integrated nutrient management. (6) Development of molecular, biochemical or immunological probes for selected AMF's and PGPRs. This will be developped in parallel for PGPR by LAMUN and GBPUAT.