Making Indian Cities Energy Smart
Managing the energy footprint of cities is one of the most challenging goals, and with the evolution and transformation of existing cities into smart cities, smart energy management (SEM) becomes an integral component of this urban transformation.
India, being the second most populated country in the world, contributes to 6% of the world's primary energy consumption. Due to rapid urbanization and the burgeoning urban population, there will be serious implications on energy consumption and subsequent carbon emissions. Cities face a series of complex interconnected challenges across different sectors, and it is critical to re-look at these challenges by integrating the principles of smart energy management (SEM) for achieving sustainable and low-carbon urban development. Managing the energy footprint of cities is one of the most challenging goals, and with the evolution and transformation of existing cities into smart cities, SEM becomes an integral component of this urban transformation.
To this end, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, Australia, have collaborated in the area of Sustainable Habitats and Cities, with focus on energy management, energy efficiency and local climate action. As part of this collaboration, a workshop on SEM was organized on 29th March, 2019, in UNSW Sydney. A policy brief on 'Making Indian Cities Energy Smart' was also released at the workshop, which highlights the potential of mainstreaming SEM in different sectors, and strategies to interlink these sectors in order to achieve integrated SEM in Indian cities. This policy brief also presents the challenges, enablers and recommendations with a view to contribute to urban policies that manage the energy footprint and influence future carbon emissions. It will contribute towards knowledge creation, communication and awareness for urban planners, policymakers, industry, research institutions, and academics in India and Australia.

With sector experts from mobility, buildings, public services, water and waste management participating and contributing, the first Knowledge Exchange Workshop on 'Smart Energy Management for Sustainable Cities' was organized on 13th December, 2018 at TERI, New Delhi. This policy brief is an outcome of the workshop.
Taking forward the partnership, the workshop in UNSW Sydney, Australia, was a reciprocal visit to discuss cutting-edge technologies, innovative planning and design, and emerging strategies that can enhance both financial and technical capacities of the cities.
With support from the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA), and industry partners Mahindra Group and DuPont India Pvt. Ltd, the collaboration provided a platform for relevant stakeholders in India and Australia to discuss opportunities for future business and research collaboration. It enables them to deliberate upon energy efficient and low carbon pathways to mitigate negative externalities of urbanization in Indian cities.