Planning of sustainable regeneration in mining areas using tri-sector partnerships

01 Oct 2002 03 Dec 2005
Minerals development, while increasing employment and incomes in mining and related activity, does create serious environmental damage and can undermine other socio-economic development opportunities of localcommunities. This project seeks to address both the environmental damage and the socio-economic constraints created by mining in the study area. The attempts to redress these impacts in the past have been piecemeal and ad-hoc with little research or consultation with the groups that are supposed to benefit from these actions. The net result has been a growing disaffection amongst the community. The disaffection and the breakdown of trust in mining regions that is observed is not just linked to company actions, but also to government non-actions. This proposed research attempts to correct this narrow approach through adopting a multi-dimensional approach that integrates a number of activities that range from the technical, to the social, to training and capacity building. This phase of the project addresses the planning aspects of sustainable regeneration of different systems in mining region (study area) of Goa using tri-sector partnership. Phase II will implement the plan.