Functional validation of yield related genes: genetic improvement of Black Rice for increased productivity by enhancing phosphate utilization efficiency

09 Oct 2016

The main objectives are: (1) Standardization of an efficient regeneration and transformation protocols for Joha and Black rice popular cultivars. (2) Isolation and over-expression of miRNA397 for yield improvement and silence of the Badh2 gene for the improvement of aroma in transgenic Joha (cv Keteki) and Black (cv Chakhao amubi) rice cultivars. (3) Development of transgenic Joha (cv Kola) and Black (Chakhao Red line) rice varieties over-expressing SPIKE, MAPK-6 genes for the increased grain yield. (4) Enhancement of yield by over-expression of SPL-14 and miRNA156 genes in transgenic Joha (cv Maniki Madhuri) and Black (cv Chakhao Poireiton) rice varieties. (5) Yield improvement through over-expression of PAY-1 and ERECTA genes in transgenic Joha (cv Kon) and Black (cv Chakhao Sempak) rice cultivars. (6) Isolation of CS/MDH/OsmiR399 genes and their over-expression in transgenic Black rice (cv Chaokhao Amubi) for improved genetic efficiency to extract and uptake Pi with the capability for higher yield due to better Pi use efficiency. (7) Evaluation of transgenic lines for malate and citrate excretion, Pi uptake under Pi deficiency condition and their correlation with yield.

Agricultural biotechnology
Agri-food products
Genetically modified crops