Establishing Energy Data Management Unit (EDMU)

Energy access, energy security, and energy transition are vital both at the global and national levels. This necessitates the availability of robust, consistent, and reliable energy data, which can help in understanding the energy profile of a country. Furthermore, it aids in assessing the impact of various policies and programs. In the current era, where energy transition holds high priority, having robust energy data can assist policymakers in formulating data-backed policies that support countries in achieving their environmental and developmental commitments in the coming years.
With these objectives in mind, the Government of India made the decision to establish a dedicated Energy Data Management Unit (EDMU) within the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, under the aegis of the Ministry of Power. The EDMU is responsible for compiling and publishing credible data related to the supply and consumption of energy across sectors.
The work undertaken by the EDMU is a collaborative effort involving different line Ministries/Departments, Think Tanks, NITI Aayog, and other stakeholders. TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) has been supporting BEE in setting up the Energy Data Management Unit.
To provide guidance and oversight for the activities of EDMU, a steering committee was formed, with the Secretary (Power) serving as the chairman. Until April 2023, six meetings of the Steering Committee were conducted to finalize the work carried out under the EDMU in coordination with the concerned ministries and departments. The culmination of this effort was the production of a comprehensive report titled 'National Energy Data: Survey and Analysis' covering the last six years (from FY 2016-17 to FY 2021-22).