Dr Yogesh Gokhale

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Dr Yogesh Gokhale
Associate Director, Centre for Forest Management & Governance; and Nutritional Security

Dr Gokhale holds a Doctoral degree in Botany from Mumbai University. He has extensively worked on people and forest interface issues regarding the conservation of biological resources.

His postdoctoral work at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore includes the development of methodology for the preparation of the People’s Biodiversity Register. He also co-ordinated the India local level case study for the Sub-Global Assessment of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Programme. He is well versed with the issues associated with international conventions such as Convention on Biological Diversity. Before joining The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Dr Gokhale worked with the Ministry of Environment and Forests as a Consultant for the secretariat of Like-Minded Megadiverse Countries. This work involved towards the preparation of India’s position on Access and Benefit Sharing. He also co-ordinated the process of developing draft guidelines on Access and Benefit Sharing as per the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 assigned to TERI by the National Biodiversity Authority in 2006.

Currently, he is working with TERI as an Associate Director of the Centre for Forest Management and Governance; and Nutritional Security of Land Resources Division. He has been working on community based natural resource management and governance issues. He has also extensively worked on traditional conservation practices such as sacred groves across India. Dr Gokhale has conducted monitoring and evaluation of several natural resource management projects such as the Integrated Watershed Management Programme of Uttarakhand, Odisha Forestry Sector Project, GEF-SLEM of Uttarakhand, Mid-Himalaya Watershed Development Project. He is currently leading the implementation of Carbon Finance Projects from agroforestry and Van Panchayats.

Email: yogeshg@teri.res.in