Mr R Suresh is engaged with the Earth Science and Climate Change Division of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) as a Senior Fellow. He is also the Area Convenor of the Centre for Air Quality Research Area and has been associated with TERI since 2001.
An air quality and source emissions monitoring expert, Mr Suresh’s is adept at emission inventorisation, development of air quality management plans, urban and rural indoor air quality assessments, capacity building and awareness generation.
In last 22 years, he has worked both as a team member and project leader for more than 100 research projects related to air quality management, involving scientific assessments, policy advocacy, outreach, capacity building, and awareness generation. In addition, Mr Suresh has also worked on pollution source apportionment studies for different cities/regions
in India to address regional and urban scale particulate pollution.
A post graduate in Physics from the University of Kerala, he is also a member of the steering committee for revision of ambient and indoor air quality standards.
Email: sureshr@teri.res.in