Strengthening Health System Responses to Climate Risks in Multilateral Processes

Bajpai Sakshi , Sisira P, Chakravarty Smita , Mishra Amlan, Bhadwal Suruchi

Climate change, identified by the World Health Organization as the biggest health threat of the 21st century, has wide-ranging impacts on human health and well-being. These include direct effects like heatwaves from rising temperatures, and indirect effects such as respiratory disorders from air pollution. Economic consequences include increased unemployment, financial stress, and social inequalities. Additionally, global health systems face significant risks, such as the emergence of new diseases, frequent extreme weather events, and heightened vulnerability to existing health challenges. As such, it is vital to strengthen health system responses to climate risks in multilateral processes to protect and promote public health.

This policy brief highlights the need for a robust monitoring and evaluation framework in healthcare, along with investment in surveillance systems and to digitise health data. It emphasises funding climate-resilient health infrastructure and supporting low- and middle-income countries. Indeed, by prioritising climate and health initiatives, the G20 can significantly protect global health.

Climate Change, Health System, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, MEL, WHO, G20