Crop Diversification Pathways for Punjab

09 Aug 2023

TERI, under its commitments to the FOLU India platform operations, has taken the responsibility of developing a roadmap for the crop diversification of Punjab. The general approach adopted is to initiate a value chain-based gap analysis to identify the enabling conditions required to make the alternate crops economically lucrative to the farmers.

Through the assistance of on ground consultation with farmers, FPO's and other relevant stakeholders the team is currently undertaking the following activities:

- Identification of the enabling conditions and hurdles for the farmers in accepting the economically lucrative production systems with support instead of the existing rice-wheat cultivation system

- Understanding the dynamics of crop diversification in Punjab as shaped by its political economy, the role and nature of the state, coupled with the trade and market mechanism for the transformation of the production structure.

Ground water
Nutrition security
Smart agriculture
Sustainable development