Press Release

Lack of clean water, food and energy is affecting the growth of developing countries: Kofi Annan

06 Feb 2014

Global think tank TERI launched the 14th edition of its annual flagship event, The 'Delhi Sustainable Development Summit' (DSDS) today. The theme of this year's Summit is "Attaining Food, Water, and Energy Security For All".

Secretary-General's Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) announces that the first two years of the SE4ALL Decade will focus on women, energy and health

05 Feb 2014

Dr Kandeh K. Yumkella, Secretary-General's Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All and Chief Executive of the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, urged countries across Asia to commit to achieving sustainable energy for all by the year 2030 by increasing access to energy, improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewables.

TERI hosts High Level Corporate Dialogue as the Curtain Raiser to 14th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS 2014)

05 Feb 2014

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) today organized the 'High Level Corporate Dialogue' as the Curtain Raiser to 14th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS 2014), its annual flagship event. The theme of the Dialogue was ‘How will Businesses Lead India's Energy, Water and Food Security?'

TERI University confers Honorary Degrees on Eminent Luminaries

05 Feb 2014

TERI University organized its sixth convocation, during which honorary doctorates were conferred on Mr Anshu Jain, Co-CEO, Deutsche Bank; Dr Yuan-Tseh Lee, Nobel Laureate and President, International Council for Science, Taiwan; Mr Hemendra Kothari, Chairman, DSP BlackRock Investment and Ms Shabana Azmi, Actor and Social Worker.

TERI and ADaRSH Launch GRIHA Rating for schools

16 Jan 2014

ADaRSH in association with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) today launched its fifth edition of its flagship event the 'GRIHA Summit' 2014.

Advanced Vehicular Emissions and fuel quality norms are the need of the hour, says a TERI Study

15 Jan 2014

To raise public awareness and engage policymakers, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), TERI University and The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), today unveiled the findings of the three studies conducted on vehicular emission control in India.

100% Renewable Energy by 2050 for India

23 Dec 2013

A sustainable, renewable-energy-based economy, where as much as 90 per cent of India's total primary energy supply is based on renewable sources, could theoretically be achieved, according to a report released today by WWF-India and TERI, at WWF-India, New Delhi.

TERI develops first of its kind tool for estimating rooftop solar power potential for Indian cities

23 Dec 2013

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) is currently developing the first-of-kind cloud based open-source Web-GIS Tool for estimating Rooftop Solar Power potential for Indian cities. The main objective of this exercise is to develop a high performing and flexible Web-GIS tool to estimate the rooftop solar power potential for Chandigarh area.

Dr R K Pachauri, Director General, TERI to visit Pakistan for Energy Prospects

18 Dec 2013

In recent years Pakistan has been facing severe problems on the energy front, and on this issue there has also been an active dialogue with the Government of India on the possibility of a power supply arrangement from India's northern grid to the province of Punjab in Pakistan.

Professor Inge Ropke and Western Ghats Ecology Experts Panel chaired by Prof. Madhav Gadgil announced winners of TERI Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Awards

10 Dec 2013

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) today announced the winners of the Second Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Awards. The Award comprises of two categories - Unconventional Thinking and Bioeconomic Practice. Professor Inge Ropke has been named the winner of the Georgescu-Roegen Award for Unconventional Thinking, while Western Ghats Ecology Experts Panel chaired by Prof. Madhav Gadgil for Bioeconomic Practice.