Dr Naba Kumar Goswami, Fellow & Area Convenor, is a doctorate in Plant Biotechnology from Gauhati University and qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) in Plant Pathology. He has an experience of over 18 years in micropropagation, watershed management, rural development including implementation of livelihood generation projects, agriculture - particularly production of planting materials - and demonstration, monitoring and evaluation of Central and state government projects.
Dr Goswami has worked on various research and implementation projects and some of his important engagement in projects are preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPR) and implementation of community based participatory watershed conservation and development project in Assam, application of GIS and remote Sensing Technologies for sustainable management of natural resources, implementation of Jatropha network projects in Assam, preparation of DPRs on Integrated Watershed Management Programmes (IWMPs) in Assam, implementation of projects related to Sericulture (Muga and Eri) in Assam, implementation of DBT’s Mission for North-East for Quality Planting Material and Utilization, implementation of DNA club project of DBT in Assam, consultancy services for implementation of ADB administered Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) projects on livelihoods in Assam, and preparation of Community Development Plans (CDPs) in Tripura, Dr Goswami has published 21 research papers in national and international journals and is also a life member of East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy.
Email: nabakg@teri.res.in