Page 5 - Discussion Paper on Faecal Sludge Management in Urban India
P. 5
Discussion Paper

to enter highly congested slum areas due to There is an urgent need for an exclusive national
narrow lanes, longer response time taken by the policy on regulation for septage management—
mechanical desludging truck to attend to urgent handling, transport, and disposal of septage—
requests,14 poor understanding of septage by the in India. Although the municipal legislations of
operators on ground, lack of proper technical various states have provisions to regulate these
guidance, lack of finance,15 and lack of any state or practices, they are neither given due importance
central legislature on septage management. As a nor implemented in true spirit. Hence, FSM
result, the construction standard is based entirely practices in the country are far from satisfactory
on the skill of the mason as well as the owner’s due to lack of awareness, concern, recognition of
ability to pay. risks, and lack of technical expertise.

The NBC of India has gone a step further Current Practice of FSM in India
and has suggested frequency of cleaning and
precautionary measures that should be taken The number of septic tanks has significantly
for safe containment and disposal. According increased over the last few decades, as households
to NBC, “Septic tanks should be cleaned when have invested in private sanitation backed by
a large quantity of septage has collected in the programmes such as SBM and its predecessors
bottom of the tank. The interval of cleaning should (Figure 4). There are more than 160 million urban
not normally exceed 12 months. After cleaning,
three or four shovelful of surface earth containing Figure 4: Access to on-site sanitation (OSS) at the
grass roots and decaying vegetable matter should end of 5-yr plan period
provide a good start. No disinfectants should be
used in latrines attached to septic tanks as they kill Source: USAID Rapid Assessment of Septage
the organisms, which digest sewage.” However, Management in Asia, 2010
this code does not assign implementation
responsibility to any particular agency and not people (close to 50% of total urban population)
surprisingly, only few cities have developed using OSS, and in states such as Odisha and
policies to meet this desludging requirement.16 Rajasthan, the prevalence of on-site sanitation
(OSS) is close to 80%.17 However, except for few
There also has not been any centrally states (as mentioned in the previous section),
sponsored scheme since independence for there are no septage management programmes
septage management or treatment so far, except or treatment facilities in the country.18
the AMRUT guidelines that could enhance state’s
priority towards FSM. According to the AMRUT In the absence of a national regulation on
guidelines 2015, need of septage management septage management and poor enforcement
has been highlighted, especially, ‘mechanical capabilities by the ULBs, there has been a gross
and biological cleaning of septic tanks’ and mismanagement in handling of faecal sludge
central funding support in partnership of state matter in the country at all levels of the value
government has been suggested. However, chain19 (access, containment, conveyance,
the AMRUT guidelines fell short of mentioning
dedicated septage treatment facilities and 17 USAID, 2010. Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Asia.
emphasizing upon disposal/reuse of the sludge. 18 Population Service International Report, 2015. Faecal sludge
Enhanced convergence between AMRUT and
SBM (Urban) would streamline activities of management: A landscape study of practices, challenges,
making ODF communities. and opportunities.
19 WaterAid, 2014. Report: Faecal Sludge Management, WaterAid.
14 WaterAid, 2014. Report: Faecal Sludge Management, Water Aid.
15 Urban Development Department, 2016. Guidelines for Septage

Management in Maharashtra. Government of Maharashtra, UDD-Govt.
of Maharashtra.
16 USAID, 2010. Rapid Assessment of Septage Management
in Asia, USAID.

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