Page 2 - Breathing Cleaner Air - Ten Scalable Solutions for Indian Cities
P. 2
Author Affiliations

1 The Energy and Resources Institute
2 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego
3 Sri Ramachandra University
4 Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
5 University of Iowa
6 California Air Resources Board
7 Stockholm Environment Institute
8 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
9 Stockholm University
10 TERI University
11 Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
12 Max Planck institute
13 University of Maryland
14 Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
15 Nexleaf Inc
16 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
17 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
This report should be referred as Sharma et al (2016).
Reviewers: P. Gargava (Central Pollution Control Board, India), M. Khare (Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi),
S, Leonard (CCAC, UNEP), S. Janssen (VITO)


We gratefully acknowledge the support provided by UN Environment (the Climate and Clean Air Coalition-
CCAC) for development of this interim report on ‘Breathing Cleaner Air, Ten Scalable Solutions for Indian
Cities’. We acknowledge WHO’s support in arrangements for stakeholder discussions on the relevant issue.
The team thankfully acknowledges the contributions of different co-authors in the report and also the
cooperation extended by collaborating institutes like VITO, various government departments/organizations,
and other agencies and individuals in providing relevant data and information. We specially thank
Dr R Krishnan and Dr S Ghude for their scientic inputs in the report. We gratefully acknowledge the reviewers of
the paper who provided their unconditional and unbiased comments and suggestions to improve the quality. The
reviewers are not responsible for any opinions and the responsibilities lies with the authors of the report. We also
acknowledge the support, guidance, and cooperation by TERI, UCSD, and VITO colleagues during the entire study
duration. We especially thank Anushree Tiwari Sharma, R. K. Joshi, and Raman Kumar Jha (TERI Press) and Swati Kwatra
(LIC, DU) for editing and graphic designing.
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