
We are seeking the submission of high-quality and original research papers and posters that have not been previously published and are not under review for any another conference or journal. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field of digital libraries.

Contributions are invited for conference sessions, tutorials, poster sessions and workshops.

Topics for contributions include (but are not limited to)

Digital libraries development, architecture, and management.
Content management in DLs.
Information storage and retrieval for global access.
Multiliguality and interoperability issues.
Digital rights management.
Digital preservation and access management.
DL case studies.
Semantic web.
KM and organizational repositories.
E-Learning and e-publishing
DL standards & policy
Open archive initiatives
Role of digital libraries in education,cultural, social and economic development
ODOL (Open, distance and online learning)
Multimedia content
Virtual support to distance learners Web based methodologies (web 2.0, wiki, etc.)
E-resources management for distance learners
Access management
M-learning technology
Open educational resources

Papers must be written in English, conforming to the submission guidelines. Each paper should contain abstracts with a list of about five keywords. The paper should also mention the topic under which it falls from the above list of topics.

Each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Based on their recommendations, a decision will be made regarding rejection or acceptance for paper presentation or poster presentation. The conference proceedings proposed to be distributed on the days of the conference will include full papers (submitted for paper session) and abstracts (submitted for poster presentation).
Best poster awards and best paper awards will also be conferred on the authors . Some selected papers will be published in the WDL Journal.

Important deadlines
Submission of full papers 30 November 2009
Notification of acceptance of paper with comments 30 November 2009
Submission of the final paper after incorporating comments 30 December 2009